Object-Based Learning and Well-Being

Object-Based Learning and Well-Being

Exploring Material Connections

Kador, Thomas; Chatterjee, Helen

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Introduction; 2. Pedagogic Prescription: art and design teaching practice and object-based wellbeing; 3. Challenging the self in the museum: examining the development of professional identity and professional wellbeing for contrasting cohorts of clinical and public health students; 4. Inclusive Memory: How to promote social inclusion, wellbeing and critical thinking skills within a museum context; 5. Teaching colonial entanglements: indigenous art as a decolonising strategy; 6. Developing Real Attachments through Virtual Means: examining relations between Cultural Belongings, Digital Connections and Community Well-being; 7. Facilitating student engagement: supporting learning and wellbeing through university museum collections and spaces; 8. Learning and Wellbeing through Objects and Collections in Art Psychotherapy; 9. The Happy Teacher: a Critical Exploration of the Joys of Object Based Learning and Teaching in Higher Education; 10. Experiential and Object-Based Learning in Nature; 11. Getting to Grips with Difficult Histories in Medical Museums; 12. Preserved heritage: Stories and objects for mental health patients; 13. Object-Based Learning Training for Community Leaders
OBL;Object;Object Handling;Learning;Art Therapists;Well-being;Art Therapy;Kador;Knowledge Acquisition;Chatterjee;Object Engagements;Colonialism;Cultural Heritage Collections;Museum;Art Psychotherapy;Health;Optometry Students;Experiential;Historical Medical Collections;Authentic;Indigenous Youth Suicide;Mental health;Horniman Museum;Migration;Clinical Practice;Social;Mental Health Service Users;Inequality;Art Psychotherapist;Material;Indigenous Settler Relations;Culture;Young Men;Collection;Medical Museums;Identity;Non-clinical Interventions;Belonging;Resource Management Centre;object-based learning;IHEAC;Digital Storytelling;Neoliberal University;teacher well-being;Hertford House;material culture;Wallace Collection