Enlightening the Next Generation

Enlightening the Next Generation

Catholics and their Schools 1830-1980

Perko, F. Michael

Taylor & Francis Inc






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction. 1. Vincent P. Lannie, "The End is the Beginning," Public Money and Parochial Education (Cleveland, 1968), 245-258. 2. Philip A. Grant, Jr., "Catholic Congressmen, Cardinal Spellman, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the 1949-1950 Federal Aid to Education Controversy," Records of the American Catholic Historical Society 90 (1979), 3-13. 3. Lloyd P. Jorgenson, "The Oregon School of Law of 1922: Passage and Sequel," Catholic Historical Review 54 (1968), 455-466. 4. La Vern J. Rippley, "Archbishop Ireland and the School Language Controversy," U.S. Catholic Historian 1 (1980), 1-16. 5. Timothy H. Morrissey, "A Controversial Reformer: Archbishop John Ireland and his Educational Belief," Notre Dame Journal of Education 7 (1976) 63-75. 6. Norlene M. Kunkle, "Christian Free Schools: A Nineteenth-century plan," Notre Dame Journal of Education 7 (1976), 18-27. 7. Emmett R. Curran, "Conservative Thought and Strategy in the School Controversy, 1891-93," Notre Dame Journal of Education 7 (1976), 44-62. 8. Thomas T. McAvoy, "Public Schools vs. Catholic Schools and James McMaster," Review of Politics 28 (1966), 19-46. 9. James M. McDonnell, "Orestes A. Brownson: Catholic Schools, Public Schools, and Education - A Centennial Reappraisal," Notre Dame Journal of Education 7 (1976), 101-122. 10. Joseph F. Gower, "A 'Test-Question' for Religious Liberty: Isaac Hecker on Education," Notre Dame Journal of Education 7 (1976), 28-43. 11. Howard Weisz, "Irish-American Attitudes and the Americanization of the English-Language Parochial School," New York History 53 (1972), 157-176. 12. Philip Gleason, "American Catholic Higher Education: A Historical Perspective," The Shape of Catholic Higher Education, Robert Hassenger, ed. (Chicago, 1967), 15-53. 13. Mary Charles Bryce, "Four Decades of Roman Catholic Innovators," Religious Education 73 (1978), S-36-S-57. 14. John F. Murphy, "Professional Preparation of Catholic Teachers in the Nineteen Hundreds," Notre Dame Journal of Education 7 (1976), 123-133. 15. Harold J. O'Donnell, "The Lay Teacher in Catholic Education," Notre Dame Journal of Education 2 (1971), 84-96. 16. Timothy Walch, "Catholic School Books and American Values: The Nineteenth Century Experience," Religious Education 73 (1978), 582-591. 17. Thomas C. Hunt and Norlene M. Kunkel, "Catholic Schools: The Nation's Largest Alternative School System," Religious Schooling in America, James C. Carper and Thomas C. Hunt, eds. (Birmingham, 1984), 1-34. 18. F. Michael Perko, "Catholics and Their Schools from a Culturist Perspective," New Catholic World 230 (1987), 124-129. 19. Robert D. Cross, "Origins of the Catholic Parochial Schools in America," The American Benedictine Review 16 (1965), 194-209. 20. Marvin Lazerson, "Understanding American Catholic Educational History," History of Education Quarterly 17 (1977), 297-317. 21. Henry J.Browne, "The American Parish School in the Last Half Century," National Catholic Education Association Bulletin 50 (1953), 323-334. 22. Vincent P. Lannie, "Church and School Triumphant: The Sources of American Catholic Educational Historiography," History of Education Quarterly 16 (1976), 131-145. 23. Philip Gleason, "Baltimore III and Education," U.S. Catholic Historian 4 (1985), 273-313.
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Young Men;Lay Men;parochial;Religious Congregations;schools;Archbishop John Ireland;catholic;Plenary Council;school;Catholic School;plenary;American Education;council;American Catholic;education;Catholic University;question;Cardinal Gibbons;controversy;Parochial School System;public;School Question;Philip A. Grant;Archbishop Ireland;Lloyd P. Jorgenson;Parochial Schools;La Vern J. Rippley;American Catholic Church;Timothy H. Morrissey;Baltimore Catechism;Norlene M. Kunkel;Catholic Educators;Emmett R. Curran;Lay Teachers;Thomas T. McAvoy;John Ireland;James M. McDonnell;Catholic Secondary Schools;Joseph F. Gower;Catholic School System;Howard Weisz;Catholic Children;Robert D. Cross;American Catholic History;Philip Gleason;German Catholic;Mary Charles Bryce;Catholic Higher Education;John F. Murphy;Harold J. O'Donnell;Timothy Walch;Thomas C. Hunt;Marvin Lazerson;Henry J. Browne;Vincent P. Lannie;American Catholic educational history;American parish school;Catholic conflict;Catholic community