Introduction to Implicit Bias

Introduction to Implicit Bias

Knowledge, Justice, and the Social Mind

Madva, Alex; Beeghly, Erin

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introducing Implicit Bias: Why This Book Matters

Erin Beeghly and Alex Madva

1. The Psychology of Bias: From Data to Theory

Gabbrielle Johnson

2. The Embodied Biased Mind

Celine Leboeuf

3. Skepticism About Bias

Michael Brownstein

4. Bias and Knowledge: Two Metaphors

Erin Beeghly

5. Bias and Perception

Susanna Siegel

6. Epistemic Injustice and Implicit Bias

Katherine Puddifoot and Jules Holroyd

7. Stereotype Threat, Identity, and the Disruption of Habit

Nathifa Greene

8. Moral Responsibility for Implicit Biases: Examining Our Options

Noel Dominguez

9. Epistemic Responsibility and Implicit Bias

Nancy Arden McHugh and Lacey J. Davidson

10. The Specter of Normative Conflict: Does Fairness Require Inaccuracy?

Rima Basu

11. Explaining Injustice: Structural Analysis, Bias, and Individuals

Saray Ayala-Lopez and Erin Beeghly

12. Individual and Structural Interventions

Alex Madva
Implicit Bias;Congruent Blocks;social mind;Epistemic Injustice;social injustice;Young Men;political institution;Vice Versa;social institution;IAT Score;Testimonial Injustice;IAT Measure;Rubber Hand Illusion;Hermeneutical Injustice;Implicit Association Test;Implicit Racial Biases;Epistemic Responsibility;Stereotype Threat;Epistemic Costs;Epistemic Friction;Epistemic Exploitation;Explicit Bias;Epistemically Rational;Ape Model;Moral Encroachment;Epistemic Virtues;Epistemic Humility;Perceptual Habits;Implicit Measures