Rights and Resources

Rights and Resources

Miller, Frances H.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Contents: Introduction - patient rights and health care resources: two sides of an irregular coin. Part I: The Rights/Resources Relationship: Shifting paradigms in bioethics and health law: the rise of a new pragmatism, Susan M. Wolf ; The empire of death: how culture and economics affect informed consent in the US, the UK and Japan, George J. Annas and Frances H. Miller. Part II: Patient Rights: Informed Consent: Bye-Bye Bolam: a medical litigation revolution?, Margaret Brazier and Jose Miola; Rogers v. Whitaker and informed consent in Australia: a fair dinkum duty of disclosure, Don Chalmers and Robert Schwartz. Reproductive Rights: Frozen Embryos: Disputing over embryos: of contracts and consents, Ellen A. Waldman. Posthumous Reproduction: Posthumous reproduction and the meanings of autonomy, Belinda Bennett. Research Subjects' Rights: The suppressed legacy of Nurumberg, Robert A. Burt; Research in developing countries: taking 'Benefit' seriously, Leonard H. Glantz, George J. Annas, Michael A. Grodin and Wendy K. Mariner; Experimental treatment: oxymoron or aspiration?, Nancy M.P. King. Genetics: The control of genetic research: involving the 'Groups Between', Henry T. Greely; How will we regulate genetic enhancement?, Maxwell J. Mehlman. Balancing Rights: Individuals v. Society: Public health and private lives, Margaret Brazier and John Harris. Part III: Health Care Resources: Resource Allocation Theory: Justice in the distribution of health care, Ronald Dworkin; Symbols, rationality, and justice: rationing health care, Daniel Callahan; Limits to health care: fair procedures, democratic deliberation, and the legitimacy problem for insurers, Norman Daniels and James Sabin. Property Rights in Health Care Resources: Can patents deter innovation? The anticommons in biomedical research, Michael A. Heller and Rebecca S. Eisenberg; Human tissue: rights in the body and its parts, Gerald Dworkin and Ian Kennedy. Legislative and Judicial Approaches to Resource Allocation: Resource allocation in the National Health Service, Christopher Newdick; Health care rationing in the courts: a comparative study, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost. Resource Allocation and Vulnerable Groups: Life style, health status, and distributive justice, Robert L. Schwartz; De facto health-care rationing by age: the law has no remedy, Marshall B. Kapp; Name index.
Posthumous Reproduction;West Midlands Regional Health Authority;Resources;IVF Programme;Rights;Informed Consent Cases;IVF Procedure;Informed Consent Doctrine;Genetic Enhancement Technologies;Gamete Provider;Rationing Health Care;Persistent Vegetative State;Life Style;Informed Consent Documents;Informed Consent;Health Care;Gene Therapy;Bolam Test;Law Commission;Dispositional Agreements;Genetic Enhancement;CIOMS Guideline;Life Style Choices;Ldl Receptor;Self-determination Ideal;Bioethics Paradigm;Mrs Blood