Security for Wireless Sensor Networks using Identity-Based Cryptography

Security for Wireless Sensor Networks using Identity-Based Cryptography

Patil, Harsh Kupwade; Szygenda, Stephen A.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks. Security in Wireless Sensor Networks. Elliptic Curve Cryptography. Identity-Based Cryptography. Identity-Based Authentication and Encryption in Wireless Sensor Networks. Identity-Based Key Distribution in Wireless Sensor Networks. Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Identity-Based Cryptography. Cross-Layer Security in Wireless Sensor Networks. Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography in Wireless Sensor Networks. Each chapter includes a Summary and References. Appendix-For Further Reading.
Sensor Nodes;Wireless Sensor Networks;Sink Node;Identity-Based Cryptography;Cluster Head;Wireless Security;Private Key;Cross Layer Design Approach;Elliptic Curve;Key Distribution Schemes;Merkle Hash Tree;Finite Field;Sensor Networks;Elliptic Curves;Cross-layer Design;Key Predistribution Scheme;Cross-layer Design Proposals;Cross-layer Design Schemes;Random Key Predistribution Scheme;DoS Attack;Routing Protocols;Pairwise Key;IBE Scheme;Identity Id;ECN Bit;Session Key;MANET Node;Clustering Protocol