Scientific Challenges to Common Sense Philosophy

Scientific Challenges to Common Sense Philosophy

van Woudenberg, Rene; Peels, Rik; de Ridder, Jeroen

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Introduction: The Paradox of Science and Common Sense

Rik Peels, Jeroen de Ridder, and Rene van Woudenberg

2. Common Sense, Philosophy, and Science

Noah Lemos

3. How the Many Worlds Interpretation Brings Common Sense to Paradoxical Quantum Experiments

Kelvin J. McQueen and Lev Vaidman

4. Why the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Needs More Than Hilbert Space Structure

Meir Hemmo and Orly Shenker

5. Common Sense and Relativistic Supercoincidence

Yuri Balashov

6. Coincidence Problems without Properties

Peter van Inwagen

7. Conceptual Revisions: Intentions and Free Will in the Light of Cognitive Neuroscience

Pim Haselager

8. The Emergence of Free, Intentional Control: Reply to Haselager

Tim O'Connor

9. Psychological Challenges to Common Sense Philosophy: Illusions of Introspection and Free Will

Brett W. Pelham, Michael Harding, and Curtis Hardin

10. Radically Self-Deceived? Not So Fast

Fleur Jongepier and Quassim Cassam

11. Common Sense Morality and Its Evolutionary Underpinnings

Michael Ruse

12. Evolution and Moral Common Sense: Why You Can't Have It Both Ways; A Response to Ruse

Regina Rini

13. Dual-Inheritance, Common Sense, and the Justification of Religious Belief

Taylor Davis

14. Cultural Evolution and Debunking Arguments: A Response to Davis

Aku Visala
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
Kinematic Histories;Dual Inheritance Theory;Rik Peels;Implicit Egotism;Jeroen de Ridder;Hilbert Space Structure;Rene van Woudenberg;Model Selection Biases;Noah Lemos;Material Coincidence;Lev Vaidman;Noon Yesterday;Kelvin McQueen;Common Sense Beliefs;Meir Hemmo;Debunking Arguments;Yuri Balashov;Common Sense Philosopher;Peter van Inwagen;Common Sense Tradition;Farah Focquaert;Content Biases;Brett Pelham;Common Sense Perspective;Tim O'Connor;Aku Visala;Curtis Hardin;Big Gods;Quassim Cassam;Common Sense Intuitions;Michael Ruse;Birthday Number;Regina Rini;Libet's Study;Taylor T. Davis;Scientific Beliefs;Implicit Social Cognition;common sense;Continuous Trace;common sense philosophy;Leibniz's Law;epistemology;Boldfaced Lines;philosophy of science;Extensional Predicate;physics;Distinctive Motivational Profile;neuroscience;psychology;free will;identity;religious belief;skepticism;scepticism;rationality;moral belief;evolution;justification;evolutionary biology