Exchange Rates and Merchandise Trade in Liberalised India

Exchange Rates and Merchandise Trade in Liberalised India

Tandon, Suranjali

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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List of figures and tables. Preface and acknowledgements 1. Introduction 2. Exchange rate movements and trade patterns in India 3. Commodity-wise trade and impact of the exchange rate 4. Bilateral trade and exchange rates 5. Conclusion. Postscript: the world we are in now. Index
MMT.;Nominal Effective Exchange Rate;Exchange rate;Real Effective Exchange Rate;trade;Exchange Rate Depreciation;exports;RBI;imports;Effective Exchange Rate;real exchange rate;Export Oriented Units;India;economy;Labour Intensive;Indian economy;Precious Stones;bilateral;Nominal Exchange Rate;commodity;development;ECB;policy;Net Terms;Vice Versa;Reserve Bank of India;Investment Gdp Ratio;aggregate analysis;Manufacturing Gdp;product-specific trade;Crude Oil Spot Prices;post-liberalisation period;Nominal Exchange Rate Depreciation;exchange rates;Labour Intensive Commodities;bilateral trade;India's Apparel Industry;India's merchandise trade;USA Share;India's Gdp;FDI Inflow;Marshall Lerner Condition